Yu-Ru Lin

  • Associate Professor

Yu-Ru Lin is an associate professor at School of Computing and Information, University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Lin is interested in studying social and political networks, as well as computational and visualization methods for understanding network data.

Research mission: to use data, big and small, in the service of humanity

Goal: to empirically study how social systems change and the phenomena of change in a society, with behavioral and network data

Methodology: computational approaches such as network analysis and modeling, text mining, and data visualization, as well as qualitative and mixed-methods approaches

Research topics: event analytics and modeling, community analysis, self-organizing behaviors in socio-technical systems, and community resilience and sustainability

Institution of Highest Degree

  • Arizona State University, Ph.D.

Representative Publications

Lin, Y.-R., Chung, W.-T. (2020). The Dynamics of Twitter Users' Gun Narratives across Major Mass Shooting Events. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 7(1), 46 (doi: 10.1057/s41599-020-00533-8)

Teng, X., Pei, S., Lin, Y.-R. (2020). StoCast: Stochastic Disease Forecasting with Progression Uncertainty. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, (Early Access) (doi: 10.1109/JBHI.2020.3006719)

Ahn, Y., Lin, Y.-R. (2020). PolicyFlow: Interpreting Policy Diffusion in Context. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 10(2), 13:1–13:23 (doi: 10.1145/3385729)

Research Interests

Social media, social networks, computational social science, network science, interpretable ML