Dmitriy Babichenko

  • Clinical Associate Professor

Institution of Highest Degree

  • University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D.

Representative Publications

B Rahdari, P Brusilovsky, D Babichenko, "Personalizing information exploration with an open user model," Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 167-176, 2020.

Dmitriy Babichenko, Ravi Patel, Victoria Grieve, Patrick Healy, Stephen Canton, Eliza Beth Littleton, Nicole Donnellan, Edward Andrews, "SterileAR: Exploration of Augmented Reality and Computer Vision Approaches for Real-Time Feedback in Sterile Compounding Training," 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), 2020

Research Interest Summary

Serious games, immersive media